New digital technologies require new flexible skills and an educated workforce able to quickly learn and respond to change.
The chemical sector has an increasing need for a workforce able to swiftly learn and adapt to the use of digital technology as the central source for process optimisation, control, smart data applications and plant maintenance.

In the environment of Machine-to-Machine and Human-to-Machine (M2M, H2M) interfaces, the humans-in-the-loop concept is always central to safe operational control and management of the plants.
Cognitive Sciences are used to capitalise on the knowledge and experience of plant operators and to combine situational awareness and knowledge with advanced control algorithms and optimisation. Such an approach empowers people to act positively and proactively through the adoption of wearable systems, augmented reality technologies and virtual reality based training to dramatically improve the safety and effectiveness of operations simultaneously.
A guide to ICT-related activities in Work Programme 2018-2020